সোমবার, ২৪ জুন, ২০১৩

Obama on immigration: 'Now is the time to do it'

WASHINGTON (AP) ? President Barack Obama is pressing the Senate and the House to complete action on immigration legislation before the August summer break. He says: "Now is the time to do it."

He says he wants the strongest possible bipartisan vote in the Senate before the Republican-controlled House gets to act on the legislation.

The Senate was on the verge of a crucial test vote Monday on the bill. It would offer citizenship to millions of immigrants over time and pour billions of dollars into border security.

Obama spoke after meeting with nine business people who support changing current immigration laws.

Obama says the bill does not contain everything he wants, but says it adheres to the main principles of the type of overhaul he has sought.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/obama-immigration-now-time-190938668.html

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